Diet. A word I hate.
But today is so beautiful outside I will leave any hatin' for another day. That is not exactly true. I am gonna hate on my first month of tries at 'smoothies'. I usually get motivated to make one because I am trying to jazz up a whey mixture that I dread. I try and drink it after a hard work out just because a gym rat told me too. I ended up buying a bucket of it at a local health food outlet. The sales guy was priceless, telling me not to add yogurt or I would look bloated. I asked him how much more bloated could I look?
Complaint number one is that it gets all foamy. How do you mix up this blech without it getting frothy? I've tried adding some fun stuff...bananas, strawberries, blueberries and some homemade pomegranate juice. The taste improves, but the fluff is OUT OF CONTROL. Then, this morning, I got the distinct smell of rotten eggs hitting my nose right before I gulped. This version tastes the best so far, but the smell is a disincentive. Well, I will just keep my mad scientist wig on and keep trying.
189. The 80's. Jeffy is smiling. Great run through the cherries Thursday. Hamachi and Sake for dinner Friday night. Circuit kicked my tail at the gym this morning. And, I am writing this while listening to Catherine Russell, my current female singer crush. Just puts me in a great place.